Rescreening Your Porch: A Comprehensive Guide


Rescreening your porch is a relatively simple and inexpensive project that can make a big difference in the comfort and enjoyment of your outdoor space. A well-screened porch will keep out insects, provide shade from the sun, and allow you to enjoy the fresh air without being bothered by pests.

In this guide, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to rescreen your porch, as well as a list of frequently asked questions and answers.

Materials Needed for Rescreening a Porch


Rescreening a porch requires specific materials to ensure a durable and aesthetically pleasing result. This comprehensive list Artikels the essential items you’ll need to complete the task efficiently and effectively.

Screen Material

Choose screen material that meets your specific needs. Consider factors such as mesh size, durability, and visibility. Fiberglass, aluminum, and vinyl are popular options with varying levels of strength and resistance to damage.


Spline is a thin, flexible cord that secures the screen material to the frame. Opt for a spline made of durable materials like rubber or vinyl, ensuring a tight fit that will withstand tension and weather conditions.

Spline Roller

A spline roller is a specialized tool designed to insert the spline into the frame. It helps apply even pressure and ensures the spline is securely seated, creating a taut and durable screen.

Utility Knife

A sharp utility knife is essential for cutting the screen material and spline to size. Choose a knife with a retractable blade for safety and precision.

Measuring Tape

A measuring tape is crucial for accurately measuring the porch frame and cutting the screen material to the correct dimensions. Opt for a durable and easy-to-read tape.

Other Tools and Supplies

  • Hammer or staple gun
  • Screwdriver or drill
  • Level
  • Gloves
  • Safety glasses

Preparing the Porch for Rescreening

Before beginning the rescreening process, it is crucial to properly prepare the porch. This involves removing the old screens, thoroughly cleaning the frames, and carefully inspecting for any damage or necessary repairs.

To remove the old screens, use a utility knife to carefully cut the spline that holds the screen in place. Once the spline is cut, the screen can be pulled out of the frame.

Cleaning the Frames

Once the old screens are removed, the frames should be thoroughly cleaned. Use a mild detergent and water to remove any dirt or debris. Be sure to rinse the frames well and allow them to dry completely before continuing.

Inspecting for Damage

After cleaning the frames, carefully inspect them for any damage. Look for any cracks, holes, or other signs of wear and tear. If any damage is found, it should be repaired before rescreening the porch.

Measuring and Cutting the Screen Material

rescreening a porch

Measuring and cutting the screen material accurately is crucial to ensure a proper fit and avoid any gaps or sagging. Follow these steps for precise measurements and clean cuts:

Measuring the Porch Frames

  • Use a measuring tape to determine the length and width of each frame, including the overlaps at the corners.
  • Measure the distance between the centers of the support posts or beams where the screen will be attached.
  • Note any irregularities in the frames or obstacles that may affect the screen placement.

Cutting the Screen Material

  • Lay out the screen material flat on a clean surface.
  • Use a sharp utility knife or scissors to cut the material to the desired size, allowing for a 2-inch overlap at the corners.
  • Make sure the cuts are straight and precise, using a ruler or measuring tape as a guide.
  • Double-check the measurements and cut the material accordingly.

Installing the Screen Material

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With the frames prepared and the screen material cut to size, the next step is to install the screen onto the frames. This process involves securing the screen material using a spline, a thin, flexible cord that fits into a groove along the edges of the frame.

To install the screen, start by placing the screen material over the frame and aligning it carefully. Then, using a spline roller, insert the spline into the groove along the edge of the frame. The spline roller is a specialized tool that helps to push the spline into the groove, creating a tight and secure fit.

Securing the Spline

As you insert the spline, make sure to apply even pressure to ensure that it is seated properly in the groove. The spline should be tight enough to hold the screen material taut, but not so tight that it damages the material or the frame.

Once the spline is in place, use a utility knife or sharp scissors to trim any excess spline that may be sticking out from the edges of the frame.

By following these steps carefully, you can ensure that the screen material is installed correctly and securely, providing a durable and effective barrier against insects and other pests.

Finishing Touches and Maintenance

Once the screen material is installed, there are a few finishing touches and maintenance tips to ensure your newly rescreened porch stays in good condition for years to come.

Trimming Excess Screen Material

Trim any excess screen material around the edges of the porch using a sharp utility knife. This will give your porch a neat and finished appearance.

Cleaning the Screens Regularly

To keep your screens looking their best and functioning properly, clean them regularly using a mild detergent and water solution. Rinse the screens thoroughly with clean water after cleaning.

Inspecting for Tears or Damage

Inspect your screens regularly for any tears or damage. If you find any, repair them promptly using screen repair tape or patches.


Rescreening your porch is a rewarding project that can be completed in a weekend. By following the steps Artikeld in this guide, you can save money and enjoy a comfortable and pest-free outdoor space for years to come.