Enhancing the Look and Value of Your Home with Landscaping Around Concrete Patios


Concrete patios are popular in many homes, providing a low-maintenance and durable outdoor space. However, they can sometimes need more visual interest and the appeal of other landscaping features. By adding landscaping around a concrete patio, homeowners can increase the look and value of their homes. This article will explore simple and cost-effective ways to enhance the look of a concrete patio with landscaping, the best plants for landscaping around concrete patios, how landscaping can increase the value of a home, how to incorporate natural elements into landscaping, and common mistakes to avoid when landscaping around concrete patios.

Simple and Cost-Effective Ways to Enhance the Look of a Concrete Patio with Landscaping

Potted Plants

Landscaping around a concrete patio doesn’t have to be expensive. There are many simple and cost-effective ways to enhance the look of a concrete patio with landscaping. Adding potted plants is one of the most straightforward and affordable options. Homeowners can easily create a lush, green space around their concrete patio by selecting appropriate plants for the climate and growing conditions. When choosing potted plants for your patio, it is essential to consider the following factors:

  • Climate and growing conditions: Make sure to choose plants suitable for your area’s climate. You can find this information at your local nursery or garden center.
  • Size and location: The size of the plants will depend on the size of your patio. You will also need to consider the location of the plants, as some plants need full sun while others prefer partial shade.
  • Color and texture: Choose plants that will complement the colors and textures of your patio. For example, if your deck is made of concrete, you might want to choose plants with dark green leaves or bright flowers.

Mulch or Rocks

Another option is to add mulch or rocks around the patio’s perimeter. This provides a visual border and helps to define the space. Mulch or stones can add a visible barrier around your deck and help determine the space. They can also help to keep the soil moist and suppress weeds. When choosing mulch or rocks, it is essential to consider the following factors:

  • Color: The mulch or rocks should complement the colors of your patio and the surrounding landscape.
  • Texture: The mulch or rocks’ texture should differ from the concrete patio’s texture. This will help to create a visual contrast.
  • Thickness: The thickness of the mulch or rocks will depend on the size of your patio and the type of plants you are growing.

Outdoor Lighting

Finally, homeowners can add outdoor lighting to highlight key features of their landscaping and create a warm, inviting ambiance in the evenings. Outdoor lighting can highlight key elements of your landscaping and create a warm, inviting atmosphere in the evenings. When choosing outdoor lighting, it is essential to consider the following factors:

  • Function: The lighting should be functional as well as attractive. It should provide enough light to use your patio at night safely but also be soft and inviting.
  • Style: The lighting style should complement the style of your patio and the surrounding landscape.
  • Placement: The lighting should be placed in strategic locations to highlight critical features of your landscaping.

Best Plants for Landscaping Around Concrete Patios

Here are some of the best plants for landscaping around concrete patios, along with some details about each one:

  • Succulents: Succulents are an excellent choice for patios because they are drought-tolerant and low-maintenance. They come in various colors and shapes, so you can find ones that will complement the look of your patio. Some popular succulents for decks include aloe vera, cacti, and sedum.
  • Herbs: Herbs are another excellent choice for patios because they are visually appealing and functional. They can be used for cooking, making tea, or enjoying fragrance. Some popular patio herbs include basil, mint, rosemary, and thyme.
  • Low-growing shrubs: Low-growing shrubs are a good choice for homeowners who want to create privacy around their concrete patio. They can also help to define the space and add some visual interest. Some popular low-growing shrubs for decks include boxwood, lavender, and juniper.

When choosing plants for your patio, it is essential to consider the amount of sunlight the space receives. If your deck gets full sun, select plants that can tolerate direct sunlight. If your deck gets partial shade or shade, you will need to select plants that prefer those conditions.

It is also essential to consider the size of your patio when choosing plants. You will want to choose smaller plants if you have a small balcony. You can select larger plants or even plant trees if you have a large deck.

With some planning, you can easily create a beautiful, inviting patio landscape with the right plants.

Landscaping ideas for concrete patios
Create a harmonious outdoor oasis by landscaping around your concrete patio.

Increasing the Value of Your Home with Landscaping Around Concrete Patios

In addition to enhancing the look of a home, landscaping around concrete patios can also increase the value of a home. According to the National Association of Home Builders, outdoor living spaces, such as patios and decks, are increasingly popular and can add significant value to a home. By incorporating landscaping into these spaces, homeowners can increase the value of their homes even more. Proper landscaping can also increase curb appeal, making a home more attractive to potential buyers and increasing its value.

Here are some more details about how landscaping around a concrete patio can increase the value of your home:

  • Increased curb appeal: A well-landscaped patio can make your home more inviting and attractive to potential buyers. This is especially important if your home is on a busy street or in a neighborhood with much foot traffic.
  • Increased living space: A landscaped patio can provide additional living space for your home. This can be used for entertaining guests, relaxing outdoors, or even as an extra bedroom or office.
  • Increased property value: According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, homes with well-landscaped patios sell for an average of $10,000 more than homes without decks.

When landscaping around a concrete patio, it is essential to choose plants and features that will complement the style of your home. You should also consider the amount of sunlight the deck receives and the space size.

Here are some tips for landscaping around a concrete patio to increase the value of your home:

  • Choose plants that are native to your area. This will help ensure they thrive in your climate and require less maintenance.
  • Use a variety of plants to create interest. This could include trees, shrubs, flowers, and groundcovers.
  • Add some hardscaping elements, such as a walkway, patio furniture, or a fire pit. This will help to define the space and make it more functional.
  • Use lighting to highlight key features of your landscaping. This will make the space more inviting at night.

Incorporating Natural Elements into Landscaping Around Concrete Patios

Landscaping around a concrete patio doesn’t have to be limited to plants. Homeowners can incorporate natural elements like rocks, water, and wood into their landscaping for added visual interest. For example, a small rock garden can add texture and color to a space. A water feature like a fountain or bird bath can create a calming and serene environment. And the addition of wooden elements, such as a trellis or pergola, can provide shade and define the space.

Here are some more details about incorporating natural elements into landscaping around concrete patios:

  • Rocks: Rocks can add texture and color to a space. They can create paths, borders, or even a small rock garden. When choosing stones for your patio, it is essential to consider their size, shape, and color. You will also need to consider the amount of sunlight the space receives. If your patio gets full sun, you will want to choose stones resistant to weathering.
  • Water: Water features like fountains or bird baths can create a calming and serene environment. They can also help to attract birds and other wildlife to your patio. When choosing a water feature for your patio, it is essential to consider the size of the space and the amount of noise you are comfortable with. You will also need to consider the maintenance requirements of the water feature.
  • Wood: Wood can add warmth and character to a space. It can also create trellises, pergolas, or even a small deck. When choosing wood for your patio, it is essential to consider the type of wood and the finish. You will also need to consider the maintenance requirements of the wood.

When incorporating natural elements into the landscaping around a concrete patio, choosing pieces that will complement the style of your home and the surrounding landscape is essential. You should also consider the amount of sunlight the deck receives and the space size.

Here are some tips for incorporating natural elements into landscaping around a concrete patio:

    • Choose elements that are native to your area. This will help ensure they thrive in your climate and require less maintenance.
    • Use a variety of elements to create interest. This could include rocks, water, wood, and plants.
    • Place the elements in a way that creates a sense of flow. This will help to make the space feel more inviting and inviting.
    • Use lighting to highlight key features of your landscaping. This will make the space more inviting at night.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Landscaping Around Concrete Patios

Landscaping around a concrete patio can be a rewarding experience, but it is essential to avoid common mistakes. One of the most common mistakes is not considering the climate and growing conditions of the space. For example, planting shade-loving plants in full sun can lead to death and disappointment. Another common mistake is not allowing enough room for plants to grow. Plants should be spaced appropriately to allow for proper growth and prevent overcrowding. Additionally, not considering the overall style and design of the landscaping can result in a disjointed and unappealing look. Finally, not maintaining the landscaping can quickly lead to overgrown and unkempt plants, detracting from the patio’s overall look.

Enhancing the look and value of a home with landscaping around concrete patios is a cost-effective and straightforward way to create an attractive and inviting outdoor space. Homeowners can create a unique and visually appealing landscape by incorporating potted plants, mulch, rocks, and natural elements. It is essential to consider the conditions of the space, such as climate and growing conditions, as well as the overall style and design of the landscaping. With a bit of planning and effort, homeowners can create a beautiful and functional outdoor space that will increase the value and enjoyment of their homes.

In conclusion, adding landscaping around concrete patios can significantly improve the look and value of a home. With the proper selection of plants, incorporating natural elements, and avoiding common mistakes, homeowners can create a beautiful and inviting outdoor space that will be enjoyed for years.